Deaf and Hard of Hearing Career Resources
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Career Resources

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Career Resources

Perhaps you're a college student just entering the working world. Maybe, you're a seasoned employee looking to make a career change to a new field.

Beyond the basic considerations of job location, hours and salary, what if you've one more concern, which others may not typically consider?

If you're part of the Deaf community or are hard of hearing, you may need to find an employer that is sensitive to your needs and willing to work with you to create a welcoming environment for you at your new job.

You may want to learn how to tell people what you need as a Deaf person, or how to ensure a sign language interpreter will be available at your workplace.

This guide will provide resources and information to help you in your job search and help you have the best possible experience once you're employed.

Table of Contents

  1. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Definitions
  2. Career Strategies and Advice
  3. Finding Work
  4. Government Resources
  5. Legal Resources
  6. Social Media Groups and Forums
  7. Blogs

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Definitions and American Sign Language Resources



Career Strategies and Advice



Finding Work



Government Resources


Legal Resources



Social Media Groups and Forums





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