48 Career Idea Resources To Help You on Your Career Path
48 Career Idea Resources To Help You on Your Career Path

48 Career Idea Resources To Help You on Your Career Path

Picking out your career is a daunting task.

Whether you’re just starting out on the job search or transitioning from one career to another, there are dozens of factors and elements to consider.

Luckily, the internet is home to a wealth of resources that can help guide you in this important life decision. In this guide, you’ll find several online options that will help you pick out the best career for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Discover Yourself Resources
  2. Skills Assessment Resources
  3. Career Planning Resources
  4. Work Experience Resources
  5. Career Transition Resources
  6. Online Networking Resources
  7. Annual Career Events

Discover Yourself Resources


Where can you start with a job search?

How about by figuring out what you are and what you want in life.

celebrity career changer

Even celebrities make career changes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has made not one, but two, career changes.

From world champion bodybuilder in his 20's to major Hollywood actor in his 30's and then onto Governor of California at the ripe age of 56.

So, don't be worried if you haven't made your mind up yet, you have plenty of time.


Skills Assessment Resources


After you figure out your personality, it’s time to figure out what kind of skills you can bring to the workforce. Here are some links that help you out.


Career Planning Resources


Looking for guidance in shaping the direction of your career? There are plenty of online resources for you.

Are you a Millenial in a melee? Check out our Career Building Tips for Millenials!


Work Experience Resources


Now that you’ve found a position, how can you work to achieve the best possible career experience? Peruse some of these links to get the most out of your job.


Career Transition Resources


Looking to move from one career to another for one reason or another? It’s absolutely essential you research and plan before this very important move. Here are some online links to help with the transition.

it's in the lyrics

According to the Bureau of Labor Statitics (BLS), by the age of 40 the average American has held 10 different jobs.

If you feel your transitions mean you're on a misguided path, think again, the BLS shows that it's normal to change jobs or careers.

The 1997 released "Wear Sunscreen" single produced by Baz Luhrmann includes the poignant lyrics,

The most interesting people I know,

didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives,

Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

So don't fear if you haven't made you mind up on your ultimate career path.


Online Networking / Social Media Group Resources


Social media? Well, that’s a pretty big and important thing these days. Here are some of the more valuable sites on the web where you can chat and network with other people who may be in the same position.


Annual Career Events


Sometimes the most effective place to explore careers is in-person at a career event. Here are some of the most popular ones in the United States that you may want to attend.


Make sure you get the best out of your jobs fair or careers event. Don't just arrive on the day without a plan.


Before you arrive, study the floor plan, dress professionally and know what types of questions you want to ask employers and what type of questions they may ask you.

Resume Builder / Go ahead, enjoy your coffee..
Resume Builder / Go ahead, enjoy your coffee..